
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What am I supposed to say?

Well, this post was supposed to be about my annual appraisal, but I guess I will have to just deal with that by saying it went well. Really well, thanks to John giving an excellent review on my work during the last year. I have been approved to go part-time after I get back from my honeymoon in St. John, and I can even work extra hours from home if I want to. I was the only person in my rank to walk out of that conference room this week with a smile on her face, laughing with her boss. I knew everyone was watching, so it made me feel a little guilty because so many people had not had pleasant experiences, but I figured that this was MY life and I wanted to enjoy the moment for as long as it lasts.

So what this post is really about is this: I am thinking about stopping this blog. I'm not ashamed about anything I'm writing, and Julian has no objection to what I write or how I write it. I just think that what people are saying in the comments section is getting out of control. My fiancé has been called gay repeatedly, his best friend too, my fiancé has attacked my friend there, people are quoting from a movie that has Cameron Diaz in it... It's getting crazy and I just can't handle it on top of everything else. I'm trying to plan a wedding, buy a house, handle the bureaucracy of US immigration, deal with my mother who keeps begging me to come home for dinner, screen phone calls from people I don't want to have anything to do with anymore (Sean, Alex), see my friends and go to work and perform there.

I started this so I could process some really difficult emotions and talk about difficult things, and I think I have been able to do that. But I never dreamed that so many people would care about what I am doing, people who have never met me or my fiancé but have very strong opinions about who we are and what we are doing. And these people won't even identify themselves most of the time! I think if I keep doing this blog, I am going to change it so I don't get anonymous comments anymore. I think if you're going to say something to me about MY life, you should at least let me know who you are!

I spoke to Julian about his comment to Maven. I told him I was shocked at what he wrote and asked him why he wrote such a horrible thing. He said he was out with Alex in some bar in Soho, and they were pretty drunk. Alex showed him my most recent post and the comments that were on it, and Alex said something like, "That friend of Melissa's sounds like she's a goer from what Melissa told you about her. Looks like she might be up for something when you get out there." It really rubbed Julian the wrong way, because he'd already said he thought she was a bad influence on me, which he also told Alex. Alex said that perhaps Julian needed to show this woman who was boss then and to mark his territory, so Julian posted that horrible thing, but I know now it was just because Alex put him up to it and he was SO drunk. Julian apologized to me (!) and said it wouldn't happen again. He also said he would email Maven and say he was sorry, but she's flying back to LA all day today so I doubt she's even seen this yet.

And all because of this stupid, stupid blog! The whole incident on VJ last week where Julian got suspended would NEVER have happened if people who read this didn't start attacking him with what they think are "facts" about him and me. You don't know me and you don't know what my life and real, true love for Julian is like! I don't care what you think you know -- like the person who said I am being emotionally and economically abused, or the people who think that Alex is in love with Julian -- it's not true! Julian is sweet and cares for me SO much, and never withholds money from me. He always makes sure I have money when I need it, but I hate to ask because I prefer right now, while I am still single, to take care of myself as much as possible. Sure, the car was something I accepted, but I did that because it was something for both of us. So is the house. It's HIS money, so of course he should have a bigger say than me on where the house is! Maybe it's just a little old-fashioned for some people, having a relationship where the man takes responsibility for the big choices in life and makes the money, while the woman is free to be at home and explore a life outside of the workplace. What works for us may not work for you, OK?

But there are still some things I want to keep private. There are things I do not talk about on here, because they are embarrassing to me for what I have done to Julian. He told me that I shouldn't be ashamed of what I have done in the past because every time I do something wrong I tell him and he will always, ALWAYS forgive me. Sometimes it takes longer than others, like over the thing with Sean, but he always does. I am very lucky I ended up with him and not Alex, who tore my heart out and walked on it, and who likes to remind me of how humiliating that was. Between the two of them, I know I made the right choice.

So this may be the last from me for a while. I need to think about all of this and I really need to talk to Julian again.

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