
Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm back!

Wow, what a busy few days I have had. I keep trying to find some time to sit down and write something about what's been happening, but it seems like I am always busy or tired or out with friends. There's a thread on VJ right now on how to make the time go faster when you're apart from your loved one, and everyone says that keeping busy is the best way to speed things up. I totally agree!

I can't believe it's been four days since I got so upset at how people were treating me on the blog. It seems like ten years ago! I got so fed up with the lies and the way people were treating me like I was an idiot, and I did something really immature, which was go back and delete the comments because I felt like having them sit there on each post was too painful. Instead of ignoring them I lashed out and that was pretty stupid. I've lost the comments forever, which is kind of sad, I guess. Anyway, I had a lot of really great PMs from people through VJ (I won't share anyone's name) encouraging me to keep posting, that it's MY blog and I can do with it what I want, and not to feel bullied by people. Thank you SO much everyone who got in contact, and there were quite a few of you, so I know that I'm not as alone as I thought. What you had to say to me made me feel strong enough to stand up for myself and keep going. So... THANK YOU!!! You know who you are. I was really amazed that you were all willing to identify yourselves to me via VJ as well and I promise you I will not tell anyone (and I mean ANYONE *wink*) who you are.

So... what have I been up to? Well, number one, my allergies are acting up so I feel terrible, and my eyes are so watery sometimes. Thursday was a bit of a blah day. Dana actually sent me an email telling me I shouldn't be so "blatant" about all the wedding websites I was going on, and that it was really clear that I was spending about half my day looking at The Knot and the other half having "overheated conversations" with Julian on the phone. I can't believe how rude she was! I look at The Knot during lunch when I'm at my desk or when I'm on really boring conference calls or whatever, which is HARDLY half the day. And okay, maybe I do talk to Julian on the phone a lot, but we have so much going on right now with buying a house that of course we have to talk often! I mean, if Julian were living in, like, Santa Monica or whatever we would still need to talk frequently. God. I have tried to be better about looking at wedding websites though.

Which reminds me that I am totally drawing a blank on bridesmaids' dresses. I spent a lot of time looking at really expensive ones, and also at really cheap ones and I still couldn't tell the difference. Jen and Jenn sat down with me on Thursday night and we made an executive decision (seeing as they are maid of honor and bridesmaid) and we decided to do something really simple: we're going to go with something from J. Crew, so they actually have a chance of wearing the dresses after. No clue what style, but since it's .J Crew we can take our time. I emailed Stella and Veronique (who had no clue what J. Crew was, but I sent her a link) about my idea and they both seemed happy with the idea. When we decide what to go with, I will post the picture!

Friday, god. A lot of stuff. First, I think I found two houses that totally ticked all my boxes. And yes, one of them I at first rejected because I HATE the downstairs bathroom! I thought about it again and thought how stupid it is, considering I will be having Rachel help me decorate the place anyway. Following Julian's instructions, I won't be giving too much away about these houses, like where they are and exactly what features they have. (He is getting really paranoid, by the way, about when he comes over since people have been saying horrible things on VJ about him getting beat up. I told him not to be so silly, who would want to beat him up? But he actually asked me at one point if I wasn't sure I wanted to just cancel the K1 and file for a UK fiancée visa. He was so sweet and offered to fly my family and friends (within reason) out to London and we could have the reception wherever I wanted but I said no, we were so far along in the Process now we couldn't give up.)

Sorry. Anyway, yeah. Two houses. One is a four bed with two bathrooms (one I hate), a really great open plan space sort of like a huge living room, and a GORGEOUS kitchen with (I couldn't even believe it) an Aga stove like the one J's parents have in their house, except this one was almost new and in a dark red color. There was also an Aga dishwasher and fridge that matched. It was like a sign. Lots of beautiful original wood throughout and a fireplace. Out back there's a big yard that needs a lot of help but a nice pool and even a little pool cabana. Cute. This is number one on my list and it's in a great area.

Number two was five bedrooms and also in a good area. It's a lot newer than number one, but it's also a LOT larger. The bedrooms were huge, and two of them were already set up as studies with built-in shelves and lots of power outlets. The master bedroom had its own bathroom, and it had Victorian-style fixtures. Loved it. I called Julian right away and told him I had seen two possibles and he said that if I could find a third he would come over to start the process. Wow, I felt like I had to get going! It's been almost three months since we've seen each other and it's been so hard to be apart.

And then on Friday night -- and just in case anyone thinks I haven't told Julian this yet, I have -- I went out with Jen and we met up with Sean and Mack at Backstage Bar for karaoke. I wasn't exactly going to say that when I posted on Friday because I just wanted to post quickly about comments, and I was sure I was going to get a TON if I wrote, "Oh hi, I'm meeting Sean tonight." I felt really bad about how I had left it with Sean, I mean, we have been friends for years and our families are so close, so I guess I think I need to make things more normal. I still think he has a crush on me, but that doesn't mean we can't still be friends IF we always hang out in a group. Which is why I had Jen call Mack and ask him to get Sean to come out on Friday, and explained why we needed to meet up.

Anyway, it was great! Sean wasn't weird or creepy or anything, and we were able to laugh and joke and be normal again. Sean and I sang "Can't Stand Me Now" by the Libertines which was pretty hilarious because he is totally tone deaf! Mack and Jen got smashed, but since I was driving and had only had one beer (also good so I knew things weren't going to go anywhere I couldn't control with Sean)that was fine. I love Mack and Jen together and wish they could just figure out they would be perfect for each other, but I know Jen still has a thing for Sean, and since Mack is like Sean's best friend... I wonder if she thinks it's like cheating on Sean? I don't know. I've never asked her.

Jen ended up spending the night and in the morning, since she felt and looked like hell (I loaned her an ancient nightgown and a scrunchie) I went out to Winchells on Orange Grove and got coffee and donuts. We watched Doctor Who (her choice, not mine) and after we both managed to get dressed she came along to see another house with me. This one is farther out, not even in Pasadena, but the place looked so great I said OK. I don't know, it was huge, with five beds and three and a half baths, and the big living room, big kitchen, big pool and even a separate little guest house out back that his family or friends or whatever could stay in. I didn't feel the "thing" though, but I thought Julian would want to see this one so I thought fine. Here we go, three houses! But by the time I had decided this, it was around 10pm his time, and he was out with Alex so I knew better than to bother him. If he had been out with just James and Charlie (who I knew were going to be there), it would have been another matter because they are both so nice to me and actually think that it's great that Julian is marrying me. Like normal people! (Which they totally are.) But with Alex there who knows anymore what he's going to say that will set Julian off. God, I wish he would just get rid of him.

Saturday night was really chilled out. I was over at Jenn's, and we cooked chicken cacciatore and had a bottle of wine. I got home pretty late and since I had decided after reading a PM from a VJer that I wanted to open anonymous comments again, that's what I did! I felt really positive about this, as I said above, and I think I'm ready to take on the anonymouses again. Today was mellow, and I cleaned the apartment a little and posted once or twice on VJ. I spoke to J when I woke up to tell him I had three houses, and I gave him all the details of the houses and the agent. He was THRILLED at all of them, and he said he would be in touch with his solicitor on Monday to see what needs to be done to get a lawyer over here to handle the sale.

And... Julian is coming to see me! Not sure of the date yet, but he said in about three weeks. Which would be about the 11th or so of July. Can. Not. Wait!!! I checked again with the realtor and she said that there wasn't a lot of movement at our price level so it was unlikely that any of these houses were going to move before Julian could make it over here, and that interest had been pretty low. So hooray! SO much going right at the moment.

The only thing that is really bothering me is that J says I need to fix things with Alex because he wants to have him as his best man at the wedding. I thought I was hallucinating when I heard him say that and had him say it again. Yeah, Julian wants Alex to be his best man. I mean, on one level I totally understand it because Alex IS his best friend after all. But with everything that went between us in the past I can't understand how he can do this to me. Julian said it was all ancient history, and that Alex and I need to grow up, both of us, and put it in the past. That we both owe it to him, since he has behaved so well considering what kind of position we put him in. And I think he's right. I am willing to stop feeling so much confusion about Alex and anger and whatever if he's willing to stop sending me nasty things and calling me up (like I don't know it's him) at 4 in the morning. It has been about a week since he's done anything like that, so maybe he's trying to as well. If he is, then I'd be happy to put all of it away for the sake of Julian and what is HIS big day too, after all. Julian says he has some idea about how to make it better, but he needs to figure it out. Hopefully it will just be like a conference call or whatever, or maybe he'll get Alex hypnotized for the wedding to behave! LOL

Yeah, so hey! I'm back!


  1. So do you have any idea when the wedding will be? If you pick out summer frocks from J.Crew now, will they look fashionable for a winter wedding? I guess Julian can wait most of the six months on his visa before coming, then maybe you can have a Spring 2011 wedding. That would keep him from coming over during the holidays though :(

    And whatever happened to Wedgewood blue and cream? Aren't bridemaid dresses sort of part of "your colors?" Well I actually think the whole "colors" thing is silly. Picking colors first is limiting because they might not make things in that color right now. The industry has the seasons' colors picked out for the next few years and all the fabrics, ribbons, napkins, home decor, everything will follow that palette. I think picking great dresses in a color you like, then going with that, work out the flowers, and other touches, is better than choosing "my colors" first. And the difference between cheap bridesmaid dresses and expensive ones is sometimes about the fabric. If you're looking at pictures, then it's hard to tell. If you look at two wedding dresses side by side, polyester satin vs silk, well there is nothing that flows and drapes and has that lovely aura like silk. And of course there is always the designer name that will jack up a price. Nothing wrong with less expensive bridesmaid dresses because it's just for one function and the focus won't be on them, but on you.

  2. The person who torments you most in the world gets one of the most honored spots in arguably the most precious day of your life, huh? When you wish to invite, as a mere guest, someone your fiance doesn't like, he breezily threatens to call off the entire marriage. When your fiance wishes to have his buddy, who actively and gleefully brings you ongoing pain, on center stage at your wedding, you emotionally bend over backward to accommodate it. Sounds fair enough! Good luck with the rest of a life full of ignoring your own needs in service of someone else's dictatorial will and desires. It's gonna be a blast. And by blast, of course, I mean unending diminishment of your soul until you're nothing but a withered husk.

  3. Echo what the person above said, that whole thing is absurd.

    So, aren't you at all worried that his surprise idea for making things better with Alex is bringing him along on his upcoming visit?

  4. About my colors... I decided I want to stay with a blue and cream palette but make it match the bridesmaids dresses, like you mentioned. It is SO hard to know what season we'll be getting married in! Luckily J. Crew uses a lot of the same silhouettes for dresses season after season so I can get an idea of what's out there. I'm also ordering a couple of dresses soon so I can get an idea of what the fabrics are like. I wore one myself in taffeta at a wedding and I actually have worn it again! I just think it's nice to make it useful to the bridesmaids, and I like really simple clothing anyway.

    I want Julian to come over as soon as possible after he gets the visa but he's already told me that is kind of impossible because he has so many things he needs to wind up or transfer before he moves. I expect we'll get our NOA2 this week or next week, which means he should have a late August or early September interview. As soon as he gets the NOA2 he'll start getting things organized but I know realistically he probably won't be here until the first part of November. Luckily it is still warm here so we can do an outdoor reception!

    So my haters are back. Hi! I didn't miss you. I'm so amazed you know so much about me and Julian and Alex. I really am trying to make things better with Alex because he is a very important person in Julian's life and has been for a long time and will continue to be. Alex and I need to grow up and get over our problems for Julian's sake. It's totally different with what happened with my guest (who J said COULD attend the reception if she wanted to), that's a new friend versus someone who has known him since he was a little kid and has been his best friend for 6 or 7 years.

    Alex and I are going to be talking on the phone with Julian on too so we can talk through some of the problems. I think that is really an amazing gesture. Alex is NOT coming to California with Julian, mostly because he's in the middle of a huge deal right now and can't come anyway, but I know Julian would never disrespect me by bringing Alex along until he and I have made things right.

  5. WTF! You are going to be talking to your ex-lover on the telephone with your husband to be!!!! And he is going to be on the call for what!?

    In 100 million years I would NOT so such a thing!
