
Monday, June 7, 2010

Missed connections

Well, I got to talk to Julian a little on his way home from Alex's, before the reception cut out somewhere near Coventry. Not as much as I would have liked but Alex was in the car with him and kept telling him to "put the phone down on that stupid bint." Which just distracted J from talking to me, because he then would have to tell Alex to shut up, and then Alex would say something even worse. But somehow I managed to tell him I loved him, and he posted on VJ from his iphone too, just to show me he's there for me. He also texted me from just outside London, where they'd stopped for a pick me up, to tell me he missed me and missed having me near him, and how he can't wait to see me this summer.

I have been looking at a few houses online but Julian asked me not to post any links or anything about the addresses because you never know who's out there. He said I already say way too much about my private life here and this would be a step too far, so I will respect that. I am trying so much harder to listen to what is obviously good advice, and I think he is probably right. I mean, Maven wouldn't even have a drink with me in the Blue Room after I said we were going there, so showing where I'm going to live is probably even worse. But I made an appointment to see one tomorrow, which is so beautiful and amazing, with six bedrooms, which is way more than we need, but looks perfect. I doubt this is going to be The One, but it is at least a step in the right direction. The sooner I find something that looks good the sooner Julian will be here, which is a real incentive to get things done.

But I still haven't had the chance to talk to him about my feelings about work and the baby, which is really frustrating. By the time he got back to his flat it was very late his time, but I was still at work. I will try to call later but I am so tired I figure I probably won't make it to 1am, and we really need to find the time to talk about these issues. I feel angry with myself for not being more clear before with him about how I feel about everything.

I also emailed Sean and told him I was really sorry for leading him on but I still didn't think I was able to see him without other people around. He wrote back what is pretty much the only angry email I have ever had from him. He said that he was sick of Julian running my life for me. That he was so happy to think the other day that our life would be back to normal after MONTHS of problems, problems that all came from Julian. How much happier I would be if I could just see that that son of a bitch was trying to control me, and that I deserved someone much more normal than that, maybe not some "asshole English twit" but a regular guy. It was like I could finally see after all these months: Sean does not want me to be happy with Julian or even BE with Julian. He wants to be with me.

I was pretty shocked, and I had the kind of feeling of shame that starts in your belly and rushes up your arms and knots in your neck. I had done all sorts of things to make Sean believe that maybe I might want him and not Julian. I felt so bad for making him think that because he is such a good and decent guy. And it's not like I hadn't done it before, I think, because when I was seeing Noah, Sean was still very much in my life. In fact when Noah had to move to Seattle he told me to look out for Sean. Noah and I were pretty much breaking up at that point -- if you can call it a break up after four months of dating. It was more like a long summer fling that had to end, even though I did drive all the way up there a week after he left because I missed him so much. Anyway, yeah, he thought the same thing.

So I have decided that Sean can't be around me unless we are part of a larger group and until he can tell me that he has no more feelings for me than as a friend. I wrote him back a very short message that basically said this, and also that I was sorry if I ever led him to believe I loved him as anything more than a friend. I still haven't heard back from him but you know what? I don't really care.


  1. Well, well, Melissa. Whilst Julian will certainly be delighted to know that Sean will no longer be sniffing around, I doubt he'll be pleased to see that what you agreed to -- bearing his child and keeping his house -- is no longer in your life plan. Sad. I thought you loved him.

    Give me a ring if you want to discuss this further. I know you have my number now.

  2. Alex, if you've read more than this post you would know that Melissa actually really wants to have children with Julian but just not right away when Julian gets there. She wants to spend time with Julian and doing couple stuff before they add a child in to the mix because she does love him. It's not been removed from her 'life plan'.

    Why would it be keeping his house?! Makes it sound like Julian wants her as some kind of maid service. It would be THEIR house for starters and with all the money Julian has I'm sure they could use some on an actual cleaning service so that Melissa could follow her dreams too.

    Get your facts straight before jumping all over her shit.

  3. You need to get a life Alex. What a turd you seem to be.

  4. Way to jump all over the slightest thing, Alex. Hoping that you can use this against her and run to Julian about it. If anyone is "sniffing around", it's you. If you bothered to read it properly, you would've seen that she wants to have a baby and house with Julian, but not immediately.

    Melissa, I should add that maybe you should've waited before you posted this until you had spoken to Julian about your thoughts. I had a feeling that Alex might be reading this (as you had stated a while ago that he had gotten hold of the link to your blog), and he has a right to hear all of this first, rather than blog viewers, and especially Alex.

  5. Alex can go to hell. I'm so sick of this. I'm getting my life on track and I've even spoken to Julian about my plans and we have come to an agreement. It's none of Alex's business anyway. He keeps trying to come between us, he's always been trying to keep us apart. I can't wait until I can get Julian out here even for a few days. :(

  6. Oh! I missed the person who posted above me. Yeah, I probably should have waited. I *do* want to have a baby with Julian, and he knows that. I'm still planning on buying a house though, and I will be working after we get married. :) I'll post about this later, but it's good news because Julian really did understand.

    What do you mean by Alex doing the sniffing? Sorry, I'm a little confused. I'll post later today, I promise.

  7. Don't be worried about anything other than the fact the I, the commentators and Alex knows your plans before your fiance who is travelling 6000 miles to be with you.
    You don't sound real, Alex doesn't sound real ( otherwise he would have told J your plans by now). Julian sounds almost real. Sean sounds like a figment of your imagination.
    Please do try harder to engage a more believeable plot.

  8. I'm the one who said Alex is sniffing. I just mean that he's accusing Sean of sniffing around you, whilst he's the one acting like some kind of police dog searching for dirt to use on you, and trying so hard to keep Julian from moving.

  9. God, I wish there was a plot here and not someone's life. Melissa, you know I like you, but take a tip from above: try not to squeal anything before you've spoken to Julian? Fine to do so after, and I know eight hours' difference makes it hard, but unless you've discussed what is in your next post I'm asking you as your more-than-acquaintance, probably-less-than-friend to put a cork in it. --M.

  10. So the plan all along was to quit job and get preggo right away after Julian graces you with his presence? Geez. Talk about giving your life away.

  11. --M: Melissa had already said that she should have waited to speak to Julian about this before posting, I'm not sure why you felt the need to say it again and in the way you did. Just seems a bit uncalled for.

    For the poster who seems to think this is all some plot. If you don't like it, don't read it.

  12. I think that Melissa doesn't have a filter on her thoughts is what makes it a really interesting blog! Keep it up Melissa!

  13. La M here: I suppose I said it because I felt I needed to reinforce it. Perhaps I've let my quasi-friendship with her go to my head. Perhaps because I'm in a shitty mood after Julian had a go at me earlier today on VJ, completely unprovoked. Who knows. Melissa, if what I said hurt, I'm sorry.

  14. Hey Alex!

    We all know that you're mad with jealousy that your would-be lover is leaving you...but mate, you lost. give it up. there are plenty more fish in the sea! Melissa has won and you are an asshole : )

  15. ok that ^^ made me LOL!

  16. How droll you Americans are. Thanks for a good laugh this evening. I dropped by to see if sweet Melissa had replied to me, but I find you have been taken in too by her questionable charms. It's easily understood -- once I was swayed by her girlishness and innocence, only to be shown what she is really like.

    If you think Melissa's tale of what happened between her and me is true, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn, as I believe the saying goes.

    Julian is not my 'would-be lover' -- I'm afraid I don't bat for that team. I am watching out for him as I expect he would watch out for me if I were so foolish as to still be with Melissa. The truth will out eventually.

  17. It's funny you jump to the conclusion that we are Americans as I know for a fact a few people that posted are British.

    What exactly is this 'truth' you speak of? Don't you think it's too late? They have a fiance visa processing and he is planning to move out there. I'm sure if you really had some big secret that would shock everyone, you would have told Julian by now and if he felt it was true then he would have done something about it by now. Clearly you don't have anything or he thought you were lying. Either way, you should just leave them alone.

  18. For what purpose are you harassing Melissa, Alex?

  19. I think it's too late to expect Alex back here tonight. was looking forward to it!

  20. I cannot believe that scrumptious Julian is giving in to societal norms and marrying that, beard. I always thought I'd lose him to that minger Alex. I will give Alex credit though, he sure knows how to treat a sausage.

  21. Alex, I like you! Must be hard to see your friend marrying such an immature tart.
