
Sunday, May 9, 2010

It felt like summer.

Yesterday I took the new car (still thinking of a name -- it's definitely a he though!) to go see Sean and have a day trip to Malibu. I had a bit of a late start, because my friends were over until 3am and we drank a LOT of margaritas. I seem to recall Caitlin at one point saying that she was thinking about buying a Margaritaville machine if we were going to do this again. Which made everyone laugh hysterically and then Jenn knocked over a lamp. Caitlin went back to Jen's, which is only a ten minute walk from my place, but Jenn was passed out on my sofa and I couldn't get her to leave. I tucked a blanket over her and left my packet of Olay facial wipes near her hand so when she woke up she could get her make up off. I got up around 9 and Jenn was up too, watching E! and drinking coffee -- she had made a pot and I was SO thankful for it.

We talked a little about what had happened the night before, about the car and why we drank so many margaritas. Jenn is worried about me, and apparently so are Jen and Caitlin. Jenn said that she was kind of sick of hearing about Julian treating me like I was an idiot, and that the whole incident involving the car was yet another time when he was doing this. I told her that I didn't see it like that at all, and that I really liked that J was enough of a man to take control of things when I couldn't do something or didn't want to do something. She said they were worried that he was a control freak, and that I was losing track of who I was in an effort to please him all the time. I laughed, but inside it made me sad to think my friends didn't trust my fiance to know what was best for me. Jenn said that she loved me just as much as she had since we were in fifth grade together, but that she was concerned that Melissa was disappearing and soon only Mrs. Julian Cranford was going to be left. I told her that was ridiculous, that I was still me and that after all Julian was marrying me for me. She gave me a hug and told me that she would always be there for me, and to please remember to love her a little bit occasionally after I get married. I don't really know what that meant.

Jenn left around 11am, and I tidied up the place a bit and then called Sean. Sean had had a late night too and didn't mind us setting out later than we expected. I told him I'd be over around 3. I stopped off at the Ralphs on Lake and picked up a salad and some bread and some ice teas, and then hit the road down to Culver City. Even in the traffic, I felt amazing in the car. It was SUCH a beautiful day yesterday, and with the top down I just felt incredibly alive. And I noticed how many people were looking at me in the car -- that never happened in my Sentra!

I got to Sean's a bit after 3. He gave the car the Sean Seal of Approval. I told him he could drive to Malibu and I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head. He gave me a big hug and said, "Did I ever tell you how much I love you, Little Em?" (He calls me Little Em -- he's 6'2" and I'm 5'2".) Once we hit PCH, I had one of those moments, where you feel like you're in a movie. I mean, I grew up in Burbank, the so-called Entertainment Capital of the World, but I never lived like a movie star. Sure, I've cruised down PCH a gazillion times with friends and boyfriends, but always in our not-so-impressive cars, or we were all 17 and covered with acne or whatever. But right then, in this beautiful car with one of my best friends by my side, with glimpses of the ocean visible from the side of the road, and the sun just beating down, my hair tied back in a scarf (real Hermès, a present from Julian), it just seemed...perfect. And all the worries of the past few days -- about the car, about Julian complaining about me on VJ -- just seemed to be pointless.

We went to Zuma and had our now very late picnic there. Sean had brought plates and forks and a bag of Doritos, which he kept trying to force on me. He said I looked thin -- I said good! I am trying to get back down to a size 0 after putting on a few pounds from eating a lot of Chinese food, and I have a wedding dress to get into. (I was supposed to go dress shopping today but my mom had to cancel, which is fine by me since I have another few days to lose weight.) I told him he looked great, which was true. He laughed and said he felt great now that I was willing to be friends again. I asked him what that meant -- friends again? He just put his arm around me and said, "Oh Little Em, I just worry about you. After that crazy dinner at Don Cuco's I wasn't sure you were interested in me being a part of your life any more." I told him that I had just had to sort out how to balance my need to assure my fiance that the only man I'm in love with is him, with the kind of brotherly love I have for Sean. I said I was sorry for disappearing for a while, but I had to do it so when I was able to see Sean again I wasn't uncomfortable.

Sean and I used to go out. It was a long time ago, or long enough ago and with enough friendship after we broke up that it just never is an issue. We were 16 years old, babies! I don't think I loved Sean when we were dating (which only lasted 4 months) but I grew to love him in the years after. Sean has been the brother I never had, and was always there for me whenever anything went wrong. Before I met Julian, Sean was second only to my dad when it came to men. He knows me better than myself I think, sometimes.

We sat on the beach and talked for a long time. Sean told me about a girl he had met recently who he was seeing, and said he'd love me to meet her. "Don't worry though, Little Em. You're still my number one girl." I felt safe with Sean right then, that no matter what, Sean would always have my back. We talked about work, and the wedding, and a little about Julian. He seemed very interested in knowing how Julian was doing, and if he was loving me as much as I deserved. "He bought me the car, Sean! I think that shows how much he loves me." (I hadn't told him anything about the whole Mercedes issue -- not necessary to get him worried.) Sean just sighed and said, "Things aren't love, Melissa."

We decided not to stay for dinner -- I had fallen asleep on the beach while Sean got up to go get some more drinks from the stand. Sean said I looked exhausted and since I still needed to get back to Pasadena, it was probably best to head back early. I didn't argue, and let him drive back to Culver City. He asked me to come in for a coffee to wake up, but I said no, I'd better get on the road. I got home around 8.30, fed the cat and passed out fully clothed on the couch, just as Jenn had last night. I woke up at midnight when the phone rang -- Julian. I told him I was really tired, and could we postpone the call until later? J was worried, "Why so sleepy, darling?" I said I had had a really long day, about the girls the night before and then Malibu today. He asked how Sean was, and I said great. I wanted to get off the phone so I said, "He's met someone he seems to really like. I'm happy for him." Julian seemed much happier to let me finish the call after that, but not before he said, "I'm glad you're having fun with your car, darling. When I get there, of course we'll have to replace it, but you have fun with it this summer."

I have this summer left before everything changes.


  1. Sounds like an absolutely perfectly romantic day to have with a 'friend,' and I'm sure you're right that Julian was so understanding about all of it. It's so strange then, that he was so quiet this evening over drinks. He's usually quite talkative, but not so much tonight. I wonder why? But I'm sure it's nothing. As he said, just a long day, lot on his mind.

  2. What exactly are you implying, Alex? That I'm cheating on Julian with my best friend? If it had been Jenn in the car and on the beach yesterday it wouldn't have been any different. Julian understands that what happened between Sean and me is ancient history. And if he doesn't, he needs to tell ME and not you. You're just trying to get me to think Julian is angry with me, to make me feel like Julian is going to leave me, right? It won't work.

    What exactly did he say to you? God, I wish it wasn't 2.30 in the morning right now in London because I would break my promise to myself never to call you again. Did he sound sad? Angry? I bet you just egged him on, telling him that I wasn't worth it, planting doubt in his head. It's YOUR problem that you can't let your best friend go. You must have plenty of other friends you can drag around Soho -- why don't you go drive one of their girlfriends crazy instead?

    Remember that Julian is marrying ME, Alex. If he had wanted to stay in permanent bachelor mode he never would have bothered to get back together with me. Obviously he feels there is much more in marriage than night after night of drinking and gambling and god knows what else with you. You think I don't stuff about you, what you get up to? About the coke and the unbelievable amount of alcohol you put away every night to numb the pain of being the jerk you are?

    You know what? We're equal. You want J over there because you don't trust me. I want Julian over here because I don't trust you.
